What is Dementia?

Dementia is a general term for loss of memory, language, problem-solving and other thinking abilities that affect day to day life. There are currently 64,000 people in Ireland living with Dementia and this figure is set to increase to 150,000 people by 2050.

There are several different types of dementia including Alzheimer’s, Vascular Dementia, Lewis Body Dementia and Frontotemperal Dementia.

You can find more information about different types of dementia on The Alzheimer’s Society website www.alzheimer.ie.

How should I use the reminiscence tools in the ForgetMeNot App?

The ForgetMeNot App acts as a personalised and bespoke digital memory book for a person living with dementia.

The Sign-Up Process is Simple:

  • Create an account for the person living with dementia
  • Verify your email
  • Share your unique “Family Code”

An Immersive Family Experience:

Get family members involved by sharing your unique “Family Code”.

It is important for all family members to feel connected with their loved one living with dementia.

Just enter the unique 4 digit family code to unlock countless memories and conversation starters.

ForgetMeNot allows all family members to upload photos, make playlists and record voice messages within the app.


Create a profile for the person living with dementia.

Tell us a bit about their personality, habits or favourite things to do.

This step is important for helping carers to get to know the person they are caring for.


Within the photos feature, you can create albums based on the person’s past.

Upload photos from their wedding day, favourite holiday in 1964 or when JFK became president.

Don’t forget to add a description under each album.


The Spotify Integrated Music tool allows you to create playlists of their loved ones favourite songs.

Sing along to their favourite songs from growing up and enjoy the experience together.

Voice Recordings:

The Voice Recordings tool can be used in multiple ways by family members and carers.

We suggest:

  • Recording their favourite poem
  • Recording a message from a loved ones (voice familiarity)
  • Recording snippets of conversation with the person living with dementia. This can be used for memory recall.
I have dementia? Can I set up a ForgetMeNot account for myself?

Yes, of course!

The ForgetMeNot app can be used by a person living with dementia, a family member or a caregiver.

Just download the app from the Google Play Store and Sign-Up using your details.

Don’t forget to share your unique “Family Code” so that you can share the experience with your family and friends.

Download ForgetMeNot today

Begin your experience by downloading the app.

The ForgetMeNot App is available to download on the Google PlayStore.

ForgetMeNot will be available for download on iOS in the coming months. For more information about the app, email us at: info@forgetmenotapp.ie.